Friday, November 18, 2011

Best. Strategy. Class. Ever.

Yesterday in our strategy class, we talked about business innovation. And a strategy lecture isn’t a strategy lecture without an example.

Yesterday, the example was Cirque du Soleil. Cirque took elements from a traditional circus (danger and thrill, acrobatics, popular venue) and elements from theatre (music, performance) and combined them to make a whole new form of entertainment. In fact, it’s hard to even classify exactly what Cirque du Soleil is. IS it a circus? Is it theatre? Is it a musical?

Nobody really knows for sure. But we did spend nearly 10 minutes in class watching a clip from “La Nouba”, Cirque’s show that was inaugurated at Walt Disney World Resort.

Tim Rowley (the prof) sure does know how to keep us engaged during class!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Featuring our resident poet…

Earlier this week our marks for Q1 were released.

Yes, there were some happy and some sad faces. But I think our classmate, Kiran Sajwani, said it best when she shared this poem with everyone on the Rotman Class of 2013 facebook group:

"If your Q1 grades have got you down,
And need to turn around that frown,
At your Rotman application essays take a peek,
And remind yourself why this path did you seek..."

Thank you Kiran for sharing! She truly has a way with words…

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Other Q1 events and fun stuff to come in Q2!

Well, this blog post definitely took me a lot longer to write than I anticipated – my apologies.  My only excuse is that my schedule grew exponentially during the first week of Q2.

But, as promised, here are some more short and sweet Q1 details:

  • Early in the year, the GBC held elections for the first-year sections to vote on their academic, social and sports reps for the year.  Congratulations to the winners!  These students are responsible for being the voice of their section for academic concerns and helping to organize social and sporting events.
  • I was selected to be a member of the Rotman MBA Games team!  This event brings almost all of the MBA schools in Canada together to compete on the platforms of academics, athletics and spirit and is hosted by the previous year’s winning school.  This year, the event will take place over a weekend in early January and is hosted by the University of Alberta in Edmonton.  Want to learn more?  Here is the link to the official website for the games:
  • The Women of the RFA had a mix and mingle event early in October.  For any ladies out there who are interested in finance, I would encourage you to join the RFA.  Even though women make up 5% of the members of the group (honestly, that IS my best guess), the Women of the RFA is a new initiative the club has started this year to help encourage more women to seek jobs in finance.

And remember when I said Q2 was busy?  Here are things that have already happened or will be happening very soon:

  • WIMA hosted an event called SheBiz which invites girls from local high schools to learn about the business industry.  I was a volunteer “pro-trader” for the trading game, the same one we did during orientation cam
  • Along with a few other members of the Rotman Asset Management Association (RAMA, another club I joined) I visited the Sprott Asset Management offices in downtown Toronto.  A recent graduate from Rotman took us on a tour of their floor, which are probably among the most beautiful offices in the city.
  • This Friday I will compete along with fellow section 1 classmates against the other sections, some second year students and, yes, even some professors in the Rotman Gladiators event.  I have no idea what this entails exactly but I know it involves competition and “mini-games”, so… Bring it on!
  • The Rotman Outreach Club is organizing a dodgeball tournament in a couple of weeks to raise money for a charity called “Boundless Adventures”.  Section 1 will again be competing against the other sections, second-year students and professors.
  • The BMO Stock Pitch competition is coming up this week.  The first-year RFA members pair up and pitch a stock, first to a group of second-year students (and get grilled with questions) and then to a group of industry professionals (if we make it to the second round).
  • Other case competitions taking place this quarter are the Rotman Entrepreneurial and Venture Capital competition (participants pitch an idea for a new business), the General Mills Marketing Case Competition and the McKinsey Management Consulting Case Competition.  I am not participating in these events, but just wanted to let you know there are competitions for all Rotman students (not just the finance–y ones.)
  • And this one is more academic-related: all the first-year students will prepare a strategy case competition as part of our final mark for strategy – this takes place over an entire weekend in early December.
I no longer promise timely updates to this blog – especially during this quarter, since every day seems to be pretty unpredictable.  I might even try to make my blog posts shorter (but sweeter!)